
The past 3 years, life has really thrown us some curve balls. If you’re familiar with our story then you know we’ve had some big projects that we’ve had to tackle in a very short amount of time. This made us feel like we’ve been running hard with not much time to stop and breathe since early 2020. We have 4 children, ages 8, 6, 3, and 1. We stay busy as it is with 4 kids, but all the other things we’ve had thrown at us had been very heavy to carry. There were many times I thought about just emailing Brenda and telling her we couldn’t make it until I got her email that said, “the enemy does not want you here, so just make up your mind you’ll be here no matter what!” So, I did just that. Made up my mind we were going to be there, no matter what! The weeks leading up we felt so much resistance, but by the grace of God we made it. So, COJ was a God send that forced us to stop! What a blessing straight from the Lord that was!

I was at the same point as Colton. Just at a place of complete burn out, empty, short tempered, just weary and tired. Anxiety was at an all time high in me to the point where I could feel a constant tightness in my chest that just would not go away. A constant anxious feeling i just couldn’t shake. When we spent the 1 hour in silence, the Lord spoke to me the word abundance-more than enough. An internal, eternal abundance. He reminded me of the verse John 10:10 “The thief has come to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” He revealed to me that I needed to trust Him, so that I can live the life of abundance that He intended.

When I looked in the sky I saw the sun to my right and the moon to my left. Just as He provides the sun for day and the moon for night, He will always provide for the in-between. While the sun was shining, the moon was already prepared for the night that was coming. He is the same. He’s in the beginning, the in-between, and already has what we need in the future. But He provides in abundance and I needed to put my trust in Him!

As a Mom of little ones, I am constantly cleaning up messes, kissing boo boos, wiping butts 😆, making everything better for my children, and all the things that comes with being a Mom. So, for me, it had been a struggle to separate my role as a Mom from my role as a Daughter (of the Most High King). I was stuck in the role as a Mom doing it all in my own power and in my own strength. Trying to clean up my own messes, sweeping it under the rug. I was weary and tired. Instead of just being a Daughter, trusting and resting in Him and letting Him clean me up. I felt like no matter how hard I tried, I always fell short somehow. The Lord spoke to me during one of the worship moments, “Let. Me. In.” I needed to let Him back in, so I could partner with Him. I have to be a Daughter before being a Mother. COJ helped me to step into my role as a Daughter and to trust Him with everything else. He can handle it. The enemy had stolen my joy and peace. With the Lord’s help, we took back what the enemy had stolen from me. My joy and my peace!

I really believe I was healed from the anxiety tightness in my chest at COJ. I have not had any tightness in my chest or any anxious feelings since then. I really believe when I let Him in, there wasn’t room for Him and anxiety both, so thank God anxiety got the boot! He rejuvenated my Spirit and put a desire in me to get to know Him better as His Daughter. The Holy Spirit is my Helper and allowing Him to lead the way has been life changing. To God be the glory, He is worthy of it all! Thank you Lord for your mercy & grace!🙏🙌