About us

Crossing over Jordan is a journey to experience Jesus in a tangible way like never before. It is a revival movement sweeping through the churched and the unchurched. It is for singles ( age 15 and up) and married alike. It is a journey that has to be experienced not explained. The miracle working power of God will have you arrive as one person but leave as another. A passionate , healed warrior for God living in the peace of your Promised Land.

Based solely on steps contained in the Bible , you will move through the weekend step by step until you enter that Promised land by crossing over your personal Jordans. God himself meets you in this beautiful nature setting away from all distractions making it a conducive environment to reacquaint yourself with Jesus and bask in His life transforming power ! God is raising up an army in these last days – Don’t miss an opportunity to partner with God and thousands others to be present day world changers.