
As the November COJ approaches, I went back to read my notes from the conference I attended in August. I am still processing and understanding what all God showed me and told me. I know that the Holy Spirit came upon me, and I pray he continues to dwell in all of us! I just want to share the goodness of God in my own life!

Crossing over Jordan
I told God, I was tired. He said Come to me.
I told God, I needed rest. He said you will receive renewing, restoration, and rejuvenation.
I told God, just let me sit here for a little while. He said, it’s time to “ Get up and Go! “
Yes Lord, I will follow your path for my life.

I was drowning in busy. I had a sour thought anytime someone asked me “How’s it going?“
because I hated to response with the word “busy”.
I was drained, short tempered, and ready to throw in the towel. I had jumped back into the driver seat of life’s journey and God was back in the passenger side. I was in charge of figuring it out, I had to bear all the burdens, I had to endure the hills and valleys. I… I…. I… was the framework of my daily living. Serving God had become a duty, instead of desire. I had steered down my own pathway of life.

COJ weekend will forever be engraved in my heart. It was the unplug that I needed to seek God. To renew my faith, strength, and purpose. The Holy Spirit fire was like nothing I have ever experienced and something that I pray continues to dwell in me.
When is the last time you spent time with just you and God? I wasn’t sure… but I know I wanted to seek him and be in his presence. My heart needed to reconnect with the one who created me and has a plan for me. I wanted to walk away from all the noise, all the world, and just rest in his presence. I walked the trail around the lake to seek Him.
“Seek me and Find me, Draw near to God. “
James 4:8
I found a quiet spot to sit and wait. I prayed, I listened, I looked, and nothing! In the quiet, I heard God say “ Get up and Go! “
Yes Lord, I will walk with you. I will not run my own path, I will walk and delight in yours.

We all have a journey and a path to follow. We do not know how far our path is, but we do know it ends somewhere. Gods path will still have ups and downs, different terrains, hidden curves and beautiful wide open views! I don’t have to know every step on Gods path. I just have to believe and trust that he will walk with me along the way. That He is the guide and knows the trail already.
“ In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight. “ Proverbs 3:6
Gods path brought me all the way back to where I needed to be.
( I came to the end of the trail and that is when the bell started to ring! ) Walking with God had me right in time!

I had an encounter with the Creator that Friday afternoon and my life will never be the same! Thank you Lord, you have blessed me beyond measure, I will praise your name forevermore. Thank you Jesus!